Honduras 2018

In July 2018 we returned to San Pedro Sula, Honduras for our 16th visit in 14 years. This trip built upon the work we started in 2005 working with Our Little Roses (OLR) orphanage for girls. We installed a water filter system to clean and purify drinking water, reducing their dependency on bottled water. For the past 30 years the organizations has cared for approximately 70 girls rescued from abuse and abject poverty. They have been providing a safe home, health care, education and loving care for girls rescued from unimaginable conditions. The water filter system included a 5 micron filter, sub-micron filter, a UV light water purifier and a stainless steel sink with knee operated faucet.
On this trip we joine the senior youth group from the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach Florida. They arranged a 7-day trip to Honduras where they worked at the OLR home, brought 3 duffle bags of donations, painted two bedrooms, went on a filed trip to Santabarbara, and spent time with the girls.
We took Tri-rail from West Palm Beach to the Miami airport whwere we departed (MIA) for San Pedro Sula (SAP) on American Airlines. San Pedro Sula is the industrial center of Honduras. The flight from Miami is only two hours long. We were picked up by a bus, and taken to OLR which is about 25 minutes from the airport. OLR is situated next to El Bordo, an area where 10,000 people live along a river bank in the slums. Our water project project provides clean drinking water daily for the girls and workers at OLR .

Our goal was to install (1) water filter system that can operate for 12 months. We included supplies for 12 months of filter changes and a sink/water bottle filling station suitable for filling glasses and water bottles. This was the first system installed at OLR and after some time maintaining the system we plan to return and install (3) more systems to provide clean drinking water for the school, the transition home and the retreat center.

The water system consists of a 10 inch - 5 micron pre-filter, 10 inch - sub-micron filter, VIQUA D4 UV light disinfection system, and sink/water bottle filling station.

We also provided a water test kit so they can monitor their water quality (coliform, TDS, ph, Alkalinity, iron, copper, lead, nitrate, nitrite, hardness, free chlorine).

Sink and bottle filling station being considered.

We are in need of donations to help fund more water systems at Our Little Roses orphanage for girls. Please consider making a donation which will 100% directly fund the cost of materials for this project.

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