Nepal Computer Lab

As we prepared our 2018 Nepal water project we received a request form the community to bring computers to help establish a computer lab at the school in Kabilash. We put out a request for donated laptops and we received (13) from our friends and family. We refurbished the laptops ourselves, replacing a screen, a few batteries and power supplies. The result was (13) Linux laptops in perfect working order for a cost of $6.59 each. We packed the laptops and assigned (2) to each traveler on our Nepal Team.

On October 30 our team traveled to Nuwakot region to visit our water projects and deliver the laptops to the school in Kabilash but before we could arrive we received a text asking that we give the first 2 laptops to the Shree Kalika Secondary School in a small nearby village down. We stopped at the school and we so surprised to be greeted by over 100 cheering and singing students and teachers. We literally had flowers thrown at our feet and we were draped with honorary flower (marigold) lays handmade by the students. We presented the laptops to the principal, took pictures and joined in the celebration dance with several of the students. Then we went upstairs to the classroom and installed the (2) laptops and connected them to the school wi-fi which had previously only been used for cellphone connections. It was such an exciting event to see first hand the opening of a new future and an excitement for learning we could see on every face. We then continued on our way to the Kabilash school.

In Kabilash we had a full celebration ceremony with 400 people, dedication of the new water tank in memory of Barbara Brown, we distributed the (30) LIFESAVER water filters, and then we presented the (11) laptops. After a few of us joined in the celebration dancing we took the computers up stairs to install in the classroom. We remembered to bring power strips and we labeled the power supplies to help keep things tidy. We powered up all the laptops and connected to the wi-fi which brought a big round of cheers. It was an amazing gift not just for them but for everyone on our team to participate in such an exciting life changing event. This could not have been done without the generous donation of laptops from our family, friends and co-workers from the SFWMD.

Fast forward 3 months and we received photos of the computers in use. From text messages we received we knew a computer teacher had been hired at the school and the lap was in use but seeing the photos brings back the memories of the day we delivered them to the school. It's so satisfying to see the students working with books open in front of the computers and enjoying learning. Having the first computer lab in the region has brought so much attention to the Kabilash school. Students and teachers have come to visit from far and wide to see the lab. When we return in 2020, in addition to our water projects, we hope to expand our efforts and bring more laptops to distribute to schools in the region. We've heard several students are studying water and data analysis. We hope our weather station and water projects will encourage some of the students to find an interest in science, engineering and data. We've already seen evidence this is happening in many of the areas where we have completed water projects: Cuba, Honduras and Nepal.

READ MORE about our Nepal project in our PROJECT BOG...
VIEW PHOTOS from our Nepal projects in our PHOTO ALBUM